Cacti and Succulents

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Senecio rowleyanus - String of peas (pearls)
White flowers are fragrant
4 " pot
Crazy onion. Right: in bloom
Lithops sp. - Stone faces, Living stones (S. Africa)
The 'faces' are actually translucent windows that filter the sun from the tender photosynthesis cells underneath.
Pleiospilos bolusii - Mimicry Stone plant, Split rock
(S. Africa)
Fenestraria rhopalophylla - Baby Toes (S. Africa)
The tips of the leaves have translucent windows that filter the sun from the tender photosynthesis cells underneath. Back orders.
Like Baby toes, has translucent windows
Echeveria sp.
Has velvet hairy leaves. Blooms with bright orange flowers.
Crassula lycopodioides
Princess pine

Cotyledon smithisis - Bear Paw. Has 'fluffy' velvet leaves

Sedum - Donkey Tail
(see picture below)
Kalanchoe - Hawaiian Air Plant
Grows from little babies formed around the leaf.

Plant for sale

Kalanchoe Magic Tower
Grows from little babies formed around the leaf.

Echeveria pulvinata x
setosa 'Doris Taylor' - Wooly rose
Beautifully covered with white hair

Sedum - Donkey Tail seedlings

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