Today's Flash Deals

These special offers can be combined!

Unlock Your Carefree Tropical Paradise:
Discover Our Useful Succulent Sale: Instant 15% OFF!

Red plumeria flower

Beautiful flowers and Edibles

It's no secret that everyone's dream plant is the one that requires little to no care yet still blesses us with the beauty of flowers or the bounty of fruits. Does such a plant exist? Some might say, "Sure, get a plastic one!" But the truth is, some tropical plants, which typically need a lot of water and nourishment, can thrive with minimal effort.

Dive into our Useful Succulent Sale, where you'll find plants like the enchanting Plumerias, the striking Adeniums (Desert Roses) and Starfish Flower, fragrant Epiphyllums (Queen of the night), delicious Dragon Fruits, and exotic Barbados Gooseberries that promise a low-maintenance slice of paradise. These hardy succulents need just sunshine, occasional watering, and a splash of our liquid Sunshine Boosters for flourishing flowers and fruits. Take advantage of our INSTANT 15% discount on all these splendid succulents - one week only!

Instant 15% discountto start your carefree tropical garden today!

No code required!

No min order. Exp. 2-25-25

Reminder: use our FREE and DISCOUNTED SHIPPING for qualified orders

Dragon fruit cat

FREE and discounted shipping!

Limited Time Promotion

Free and discounted shipping cat with cart and map

15% BONUS for a Birthday Gift Card!

Birthday Gift Card with cat and flowers

We all know that live plant is a perfect gift. Everybody loves plants. And everybody loves gift cards - because they can buy exactly what they want with it! Besides, Top Tropicals Gift Card has no expiration date. You can use it any day of the year - in your convenience.

Today we have a fantastic offer for you! If you are making a birthday present and adding "Happy Birthday" in gift card Message, the value of this certificate will be 15% higher! For example, if you buy a $100 birthday gift card, the value will be $115.

FREE shipping to Florida for orders over $75

Cat with free shipping

Florida Native Plants

Birthday Gift Card with cat and flowers
- HOA approved and welcomed
- adapted to local climate and soil
- less water, fertilizer, and pesticides
- easy to grow, great for beginners
- provide essential habitat and food for local wildlife including birds and butterflies

BOGO - Buy One Get One Free!

Cat with his own painting easy sunday

Secret Garden - 50% OFF

Secret Garden

30% Happy Value Deals

Secret Garden

Special Promotions for Fertilizer Add-ons

add-on fertilizer deals as low as $9, when you buy them along with the following plants:

Mango trees - Mango Tango Booster
All other fruit trees - C-Cibus Crop Booster
Desert roses - Megaflor Booster
All fragrant plants - Pikake Booster
Heliconias and Gingers - Robusta
Pineapples - Ananas Booster
All flowering vines - Megaflor Booster

Buy Together and save on Sunshine plant food!

On sale today - while supply lasts:

Plants under $20 - while supply lasts!

Don't miss out! Receive discount codes from our newsletter
