our team

Jamie - Greenhouse Manager

Tony - CSR

Chiane - Shipping Specialist

B-Farm Crew: Aurelio, Mark Mac, Caciano & Margarita

Beatriz - Queen of BFarm

Fermin - Exotic Fruit Expert

T and her PeopleCats

Mike - The Genius who made it all happen

🇺🇦   Mick - Lab Engineer

🇺🇦   Fedor Shabliy and Ukrainian Team of Sunshine Boosters (Reasearch and Development)

Stevie - Propagation expert


Marina Rybka - Catalog / Plant Encyclopedia editor

What we are and who we are

Top Tropicals is a unique project.
Behind TopTropicals success story, there are 2 "plant freaks" T & M, and 20+ years of 24/7 hard work of those two, and other creative people: Marina Rybka, Alex Butova, Kristi VanBenschoten, Jamie McKinnon, Mark Hooten, Onika Amell, Stevie Gowdy, Cindy Speed, Fedor Shabliy, and more...

Online store
Top Tropicals has the biggest selection of tropical species (plants and seeds) in the world, offered from online store. It is also information, photos, education and plant clinic, plant books and magazines with no commercials - only plant info.
Our online store, certified to ship to all states, ships over 2000 items Nationwide and Worldwide. Our searchable online Catalog contains today, , plants and photos, with over 2000 items available for sale. The Website and the store are updated daily. Shopping experience is supported by Wishlist and free weekly Newsletter that features new arrivals, growing tips, interesting plant info.
Plant information
Every plant at TopTropicals.com is supported with informational profile that includes scientific, common name, plant family, ethnic names, origin, lots of pictures, growing and history info, and some medicinal use.
Photography provided from both our own photo collection, and plant photographers around the world.
Top Tropicals is a popular source for plant reference. Most plants have close-up fruit/flower views, shots of leaves, branches, and full size tree images. We try to provide the most accurate and up-to-date info on taxonomy - scientific names, families and subfamilies, at the same time keeping it as simple as possible for average home gardener. This is a big task considering continuously changing taxonomy classifications. With over 30,000 unique visitors a day, TopTropicals.com is used by many people seeking consultation on plant ID, including professors, students, botanical garden and science professionals, gardening hobbyists.
There is a saying among gardeners, "if you don't know what it is, ask TopTropicals".
Top Tropicals plant and flower photography is widely used all over the world by authors, publishers, magazines, plant tag companies, perfume manufacturers, herbalists, aromatherapists and many others involved in plant projects.
We publish plant books and magazines, participate in plant shows, garden club seminars, workshops and plant presentations.

Top Tropicals Video Channel. We are happy to introduce to our customers Top Tropicals YouTube Channel. Gardeners have been enjoying our Tropical Treasures Magazine with stories about fascinating plants, their history, plant clinic and Do-It-Yourself projects. Now in our video tours, we will be showing rare exciting plants and how to make them happy, so they will make your own life brighter and happier. Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our YouTube channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what's fruiting and blooming!

How Top Tropicals was created

TopTropicals was created in 2001 and incorporated in 2003. The founders (T&M) travelled the world in search of rare tropical plants and seeds.
To continue our research on tropical plants, we never used any grants or sponsors. By selling plants, we have been raising our own funds to move forward, so we could supply the World with more interesting information on plants, and gardeners with more additions to their rare plant collections. Our Tropical Treasures Magazine is another attempt to accumulate the priceless plant knowledge.
For many years, TopTropicals.com remains a favorite website of many tropical plant lovers.
TopTropicals.com website has it's own platform, originally coded in C++ back in 1990-s. This is why our design is different from most web layouts. We continue sticking to our own scripts for a number of reasons such as fast downloading, updating, browsing, eliminating errors and technical issues which you may experience with AI technologies.
Each element of our Catalog, Store, all pages and images, are hand-crafted by our editors.
Today, TopTropicals is a 2-acre Garden Center and Nursery with a shipping department (Ft Myers, FL) plus 7-acre growing facility Bfarm (Sebring, FL, added 2021).
A small botanical garden next to the nursery represents the most interesting species from our rare plant collection. Tours by appointment.

Our Team

A small team of unique professionals work hard on Top Tropicals project, on growing and shipping plants to you year round, and worldwide.
🇮🇱   🇺🇦   Marina Rybka from Israel (originally from Lviv, Ukraine) is our all-time Catalog editor. She has been in charge of plant profiles nearly from the first day of Top Tropicals creation. Every scientific name, common name, plant family and description is being crossed-referenced and verified by her with many sources. And when you send us a request to ID a plant - there is a big chance she is the one who gets a proper ID in a heartbeat.
Kristi is our store manager and shipping coordinator. Without her we would never be so perfectly organized. She is very lucky, because she's loved by both employees and customers.
Jamie is our Greenhouse manager and a head of Garden Center. She also keeps Happiness in the Gardens and PeopeCats.Garden.
Onika - tropical plant expert, columnist, and an Artist. Meet her at our Customer Service.
Tony and Onika
- our Customer Service and Event coordinators.
Mick runs Sunshine Boosters. All your plant needs will be satisfied here!
Chiane is in charge of Shipping. Thanks to her and her team, your plants have the safest and the quickest trip.
is our exotic fruit tree expert and Plant Whisperer.
Beatriz is the Queen of our Bfarm. She will help you to browse around our extensive plant facility.
Mark Hooten - Horticulturist, columnist, and Garden Doc. He knows everything about plants and even more.
🇱🇻   Alex Butova lives in Latvia. She is our columnist and author of Plant Horoscope, Cat Horoscope sections, as well as Plant Magic and Grow Your Own Food stories.
Mark Mac is B-Farm operations manager and a head of construction projects. He has build B-Farm and 1500 sq ft building for Sunshine Boosters Lab. He is working with B-Farm crew.
🇺🇦   Fedor Shabliy
- Our scientist, chemist, engineer, developer and author of the Sinshine Boosters. Together with his hi-tech team he works in Ukraine.
Robert Riefer
- Our consultant from University of Florida, and a Licensed Certified Crop Advisor. Orchid expert, horticulturist, irrigation and applications specialist. Check out his educational videos at our YouTube page and fascinating plants stories at Radio TopTropicals.

Premises are under surveillance of PeopleCats-the-watchcats, and security cameras.

Career opportunities

Letters of appreciation

For most recent feedback, see our Google Reviews and visit our Social Media.

...Thank you!!! A few years ago I bought this plant - Brownea Grandiceps - from you... it is the first time that it has 5 flowers open at the same time... I am extremely happy!!!!! At 80's it is difficult for something to give you so much joy..... thank you very much again...

...Just want to thank you for the fabulous plants you helped us to find and purchase, and how nice it was to meet you in person! please put me on the newsletter list, or i can do it later. for now, i just wanted to say how much i enjoyed our trip to your nursery and i'm sure i'll be seeing you again  before i leave florida for stockton (CA)...

...I can't thank you enough for the service you provided for my order. The plants arrived within 24 hours in perfect condition, The packaging is done in a very professional way. You are Top Tropicals & Top Professionals. I am really pleased with my order. I will certainly place another one soon. Regarding the seeds, if you can send me tracking number so I can follow it up. Thank you & best regards.
Hessa Al Thani, international order to Qatar...

...I got a phone call from you folks yesterday and wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for calling and letting me know about the plant. We got everything straightened out on the phone, but I wanted to write and complement Top Tropicals on your excellent customer care and service. It's why I'll always be a grateful customer. So thanks bunches to everyone at TT once again. You're very much appreciated! Best always,
Karen M. Carloni...

...I have been buying plants online from Top Tropicals now for approximately 7 years. They deliver to me in Puerto Rico. Their database is so extraordinarily ample and complete that it is worthwhile using it as a reference guide. Their service is excellent and the expertise of their employees is amazing. The plants are healthy, good size and the shipping preparation of each plant is very professional. Rarely have I had to recur to them claiming guarantee for a plant. When necessary they have always been there for me. You might think that their plants might be somewhat pricey; but I have found in doing business with them that what you get is MORE and hand in hand with what you get, specially in the plant size and its quality for thriving successfully. I have in my countryside home in a small mountain farm a piece of heaven in Puerto Rico filled with the most outstanding and unique plants from the worldwide specimens I have been able to obtain thru Top Tropicals!
Mariem Blanco - Puerto Rico...

...I cannot even count how many plants I have purchased from this nursery. They send you quality plants, well packaged and reasonably priced. Their selection is outstanding though you may have to wait for a particular plant to be in stock. Many plants are rare. Many of the plants in my yard I have not seen anywhere else for miles around, yet. One outstanding mail order Nursery.
Philip Bailey...

... If there were 10 stars, surely Top Tropicals would deserve them! I ordered two plants late last fall and ,since Michigan weather is known to be unpredictable ( and cold in the winter..), I was fortunate to receive one in terrific condition before inhospitable temperatures set in. The other was on hold till Spring. Happily my plant arrived a couple of weeks ago in fantastic condition .. except it was mislabeled so not the plant I ordered. Kristi and Zoe did everything possible to unearth another rather scarce one and send it on its way. I very much appreciate their staying in constant email contact while we sorted this out and fully expect the long awaited plant will arrive in wonderful condition as well. Love the wide variety of plants and the healthy states in which they are kept. I will definitely be ordering more from Top Tropicals!
Susan Cushnier...

...I am always so pleased with my purchases. I know you go through a lot, washing the leaves... to send to Calif and I greatly appreciate it. I am your greatest fan! Thanks so much,

...Thanks. Plants arrived in excellent condition...

...I received the Ficus religiosa, from Florida to NW Indiana, and I must say, I was, and am, impressed. The packaging of the plant was awesome! It was wrapped and protected by people that obviously know what they are doing, and with care. The Ficus looks like it made the trip with minimal stress. It should do well, and live long. Thank you! Thank you!
Best regards, Scott...

...My shipment of the subject plant just arrived and it is absolutely splendid! Thanks too for the very specific planting instructions -- I've followed them to the letter so hope the plant thrives. Just wanted you to know how pleased I am with your product and service. I'll be back another time!!..

...THANK YOU, i GOT BOTH ORDERS AND PLANTED EVERYTHING, Most of all seeds germinated , within 2 to 3 days, Thanks for the instructions sheet, very helpful. looking forward to watching them grow....

... Thank you!:). My tree arrived in excellent condition!..

... Just a quick note to thank you for always exceeding my expectations with my orders. I always feel that you send be the best tree that you have in stock. They always arrive in Poway, CA in excellent condition. You make my yard a very special place to be. I appreciate it. Warmest regards...
Robyn Slikker...

...I talked with mom today and she said the coffee plant arrived yesterday and that it looks healthy. She also said the heat packs were still hot. Thank you for getting her the plant prior to her birthday.

...Everything arrived today in good order, thanks for the nice specimens.
Ralph Neel...

...Thank you very much for delivering very good plant.

...Thank you for being clear concise and organized!! You are amazing!

...You have made my Holiday Season the Best!! Blessings and the best to you in 2016 and to all good friends at Top Tropicals.


...WOW! To say that I was impressed with your new nursery is an understatement. The new location matches the richness of your catalogue. Also your help there (Anna) is as great as your plants. Top Tropicals is number one on my short list of plant places to take friends and visitors. It is a real joy to explore your collection. I'm sure John Mood would agree.
Best regards, John Banta...

...Working in the landscape industry I get to visit many backyards.  Some people have exotic collections of plants from all over the world.  As I was exposed to many of these private Garden of Edens my senses would become heightened.  Plants of various shapes and sizes.  Flowers that had scents I have never smelled.  Flowers with colors and design only the greatest imaginations could imagine.  Fruits so exotic and delectable that made my mouth water. Imagine owning a tree that flowers the scent of Joy Perfume the Michelia champaca.  I wanted some of these plants for myself. 
That is when I found Top Tropicals.  This nursery is in Ft. Myers and their website has all the information necessary to learn about these exotic plants.  I placed my first order about a year ago.  I went to their website and educated myself about the various plants.  My order was placed online and about a week later UPS delivered my plants to the door. With the information Top Tropicals gives on their website I was able to plant my exotic plants in the right places and I have had great success.
All of us can own a few rare, exotic plants thanks to great companies like Top Tropicals.  If you like to collect or love a scented garden or love to eat rare fruit or just want a conversation piece in your yard I cannot encourage you enough to take a look at Top Tropicals website.  Go ahead and order a plant.  You will not be disappointed.
Adam Rikert...

...Hi Kristi, I really like your suggestions.. thanks for taking the time and sharing with us! We'll go ahead and go online and place an order for the first plants based on your recommendations.
Have a great rest of your week, Jay...

...Outstanding! Really appreciate it and you :-)
William Genest...

...Top Tropicals staff! The shipment arrived yesterday afternoon. The plants are in excellent condition. Packing was excellent.
Thank you very much. Jim

...Hi there. I wanted to let you all know that I really appreciate all the Awesome plants that you have been sending me. I feel like you have been sending me the best hand-picked ones of them all. I have a very stressful job, but when I come home and play around with my plants, it really gives me unwind time. You people are the greatest and quite frankly,... with al the plants I have ordered from you exclusively,... I feel like we are family. Have a great Thanksgiving and look forward to my next order. lol.
Best regards, Nick... 

...Just to let you know that my two orders with 11 plants were recieved yesterday. All the plants are of the highest quality, seemed as hand picked for me! Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!

...I've had nothing but healthy, and strong plants each time I've ordered from you. They have continued to thrive year after year. I could not say the same from other nurseries that I've ordered from across the country, so you must really be doing something right.
Best, M...

...You da best Kristi!!!!!!! I'll take'em all thank you!!! Oliver...

...Always receive healthy, vigorous plants when considering that shipping is stressful. I have coffee trees and hoya fungii that I ordered years ago and they're like family to me now. I just ordered the 7 gallon coffee and a jasmine and I have no doubt that both will thrive for years to come. These guys grow fantastic stock and obviously have great passion about their work. I won't order rare or tropical plants from anyone else unless it's a seller that Top Tropicals recommends.
James Mattingly...

...Visited Top Tropicals Nursery yesterday. Wanted to say I was totally and pleasantly surprised by the size and quality of your items. Bought a Night Blooming Jasmine. Kristi was so very helpful.
Plan on returning in September or sooner for more items. Will be wanting to get the lovely Jacaranda Mimosflora, 2 specimens for our side yard... Won't that be a pretty sight in the spring.
Really had to say how pleased I was with the pleasant time I had at your place.
Regards, Elizabeth Keeler...

...I recently submitted a second order from Top Tropicals, and am very pleased. Two days after arrival, the mysore mulli jasmine has already bloomed. They ship healthy, vigorous plants and wrap them for transit better than any other online order company I've tried. (I made the mistake of ordering a meyer lemon tree from another vendor, and it barely survived shipment. The way that Top Tropicals wraps it's plants, I would not have had that problem with them).
Joseph Marranca...

...Thank you for your thoroughness & assistance.
I just wanted to write and thank you and your company for such great customer service and quality products. I was hesitant ordering a live plant on line for my sister in law's birthday but Top Tropicals services and product is top notch. My sister in law received her dwarf powder puff on Thursday and she was thrilled to inform me this morning that she already has three powder puffs in bloom (the plant is beautiful and has at least a dozen flowers to yet open). I can not express enough gratitude and I look forward to ordering from your company again in the future. Please forward a sincere thank you to everyone who assisted with this order. I attached a picture of the plant - it is lovely.
Sincerely, Lori Lane...

...I have been looking everywhere for the last few months for a specific plant and Top Tropicals not only has exactly what I was looking for they provided me with amazing service. From those who I spoke with over the phone to the team that loaded my vehicle have me their undivided attention and care. Ordering online is super simple and their location was easy to get to. Top Tropicals you will be my first stop for all my planting needs going forward.
Thank you!! Fernando Cepero...

...and more...

...Skeptical ordering plants online was how I felt. But I wanted a dwaft size mangoes plant so I went ahead and order a couple. Oh boy when it arrived the plants are well package and healthy. Bigger than what I expected. Watched the video on how to unwrap and transplant. Follow it step by step and now letting mother nature takes its course. ♡♡♡ Sandra Chan...

...The best place to get rare tropical fruit trees! Helpful and friendly staff great customer service!! Thx 4 all your help! Kristi#1!
Oliver Cohen...

...Top Tropicals is a great place to buy fruit bearing trees and plants. I admire their knowledge and insight in the gardening area. Each visit is a learning experience for me. Thank you Kristi for your patience and making it an enjoyable experience! Jamie Nagy...

...The sales lady was very informative, the variety of plants is quite rich and i was happy to pay with paypal and pick up at my convenience. so far positive experience! Olga Harrison...

...Thank you so much for the Globba Ginger. It is very generous of you to let me keep it.  It is so lovely and arrived in such good condition that I caught my breath when I pulled it's little net hood off and those pretty magenta brachs slipped out. I was not expecting anything so immediately beautiful so it was a gift just to have it arrive like that and now, doubly a gift.  I have been researching its care a bit and I will do my best to take care of it and see that it stays healthy. Thank you so much for all the help and patience and generosity you have shown.  Everything about this experience has been a pleasure and a gift. Carol Doehring...

...Plant arrived today in great shape.
THX, Bonnie... 

...Kristi, thank you so much for your time and attention today, I really appreciate you going to the extra mile. Your Awesome!
Craig Putensen...

...Thank you for the tour yesterday, it was awesome and I am looking forward to the grand opening b/c I would like to purchase a lot of plants. Here are the pictures of the butterflies as we spoke yesterday.