- Plant the rhizome in the smallest pot in which the rhizome will fit loosely,
use soiless soil or a good potting soil. DO NOT USE PERLITE.
- Before Planting the rhizome, you can soak it in a solution of SALT PETER
(optional) for 10- 20 minutes at a ration of one (1) tablespoon per gallon
of water or Epin/Cirkon
- Put some soil in the pot, now put the rhizome into the pot not deeper
that 3-4 inches for a small rhizome or 5-6 inches for a large rhizome, measuring
form the top of the pot. Proceed to fill the pot with soil.
- Now water the pot very well. Use a root stimulator (Superthrive or B-1)
if you have some.
- Fungicide the rhizome and soil. Place a small plastic or paper cup on
the top of the pseudo-stem. Place the pot in a bright or sunny area until
the rhizome sprouts. Keep the soil on the dry side.
- You can fertilize your rhizome every other week with any soluble fertilizer.
Also, after fertilizing, it is a good idea to use a fungicide (once a month)
until the rhizome has sprouted.