Manx - The Tailless Cat

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By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Meet the Manx cat, a charming breed famous for its lack of a tail. Hailing from the Isle of Man, these cats have a rich history and delightful personality.

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Pictures in this article of Manx siblings: Timo (long hair) and his sister Matilda (short hair).
Timo and Matilda are rescues who came to us on January 31, 2024. Timo and Matilda are very different in personality and looks, but they have at least 2 things in common: lack of tail and beautiful orange eyes. Timo is a big boy who likes to play with everybody. Matilda is a shy miniature girl, but she likes to eat a lot... so she is a bit chubby! She looks almost as big as her big-bone and fluffy brother.

What Are Manx Cats?

Long ago, on the lovely Isle of Man, the Manx cat emerged, standing out with its taillessness due to a natural mutation. Some may have a small tail stub, but the true stars are the completely tailless ones with elongated hind legs and a rounded head. Locally, they're known as stubbi or rumpy.

Manx Cat

Manx cats come in all colors and patterns, though an all-white Manx is rare. Long-haired Manx cats are sometimes called Cymric cats. They can look pretty funny from behind: looks like they wear short knee-high pants! Those are called breeches, a term derived from the visual effect of a cat's fur replicating traditional, baggy knee-length pants.

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Photos above and below: Timo and Bob. First meeting.

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Renowned for their hunting skills, Manx cats have a unique charm.

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Photo above: Timo and Matilda.

Nice and Friendly

Manx cats are more than their unique looks. They're social, active, and affectionate, making them fantastic companions.

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Manx Cat

Whether they're bounding around with powerful hind legs or lounging in the sun, Manx cats bring joy to any home.

Manx Cat

With their blend of history, mystique, and delightful personality, Manx cats continue to enchant and entertain, showcasing the wonders of natural diversity.

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The Manx Cats Legends

Once upon a time, on the windswept Isle of Man, lived a community of unique, tailless cats. These fascinating felines inspired many a fireside tale.

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Manni the Magical Cat

Long ago, the Isle of Man was home to an enchanted forest filled with magic and mythical creatures. Among them was Manni, a wise old cat with a coat as black as night and eyes that glowed like the moon. Manni guarded the forest and its secrets.
One stormy night, a shipwreck occurred off the coast. Hearing the sailors' cries, Manni used ancient magic to guide them safely to shore. Grateful, the sailors offered Manni a jeweled collar, but Manni humbly declined, asking instead that they spread the story of the Isle of Man and its magical protector.
Manni then found a small, tailless kitten among the wreckage and took it under his wing. This kitten grew strong and agile, with powerful hind legs for leaping and climbing. Word of the tailless kitten spread, and soon, other cats with similar traits began to appear. They were believed to be descendants of Manni's magical protégé.

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The Great Manx Race

According to another legend, when Noah's Ark was being built, the Manx cat was busy hunting and arrived just as Noah was closing the door. In its haste to jump aboard, its tail was caught in the closing door, leaving it forever tailless.

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The Enduring Charm of Manx Cats

Generations passed, and Manx cats became known for their bravery, cunning, and hunting skills. Farmers welcomed them into their homes, and sailors took them aboard ships as good luck charms. Whether chasing butterflies or perching on windowsills, Manx cats continue to captivate with their unique appearance and enchanting history.

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And so, the legend of the tailless Manx cat lives on, a magical story reminding us of the wonders of nature and the enduring power of a good tale.

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Photo above: Timo and Scooby are arguing, who has a tail and who has the foodstamps?

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Manx Cat

Manx Cat

Manx Cat

Manx Cat

Manx Cat