Tropical Treasures Magazine

Pushing the limits of tropical gardening. Growing tropical plants in non-tropical climate and indoors.
ISSN 1936-1378


Appearing quarterly










© Tropical Treasures Magazine 2007 -

Tropical Treasures Magazine

You need Tropical Treasures if you:


- tropical plants outside of Tropics
- exotics in containers and indoors
- a single plant, or large expanding plant collection



- of a greenhouse or already own one
- of having ethnic plant outside of its native habitat
- of learning secrets how to make plants thrive, bloom, fruit


- to be surrounded by tropical lusciousness
- to have rare plants different from your neighbor’s
- to discover plant health benefits and enjoy home growing

From the authors of the project

There just had to be such a magazine, but it didn’t exist. At least, we couldn’t find it. So, we created it – a magazine devoted to growing tropical plants in areas where, let’s face it, they wouldn’t stand a chance if their growers don’t know a palm tree from a petunia.

Here’s a little taste of what’s in store if you keep turning the pages…

Many tropical plant lovers live in areas where winter is cold ... and long … and dark.
All tropical plants hate cold winter, so what can be done?
One possible solution is to move to the Sunshine State – Florida. The only problem is Florida is getting crowded, and every year it’s harder to find an affordable place where one can grow tropical plants with no limits. Besides, Florida has hurricanes. Some people even prefer a toughing out a frigid winter to dodging hurricanes (matter of personal taste, right?). So, another solution must be found. If the mountain is not coming to Mohammed, Mohammed should come to the mountain, and Florida should come to you.
It is possible make your own “mini-Florida” on a window sill, in a greenhouse or even in your basement, and you don't have to spend thousands on dollars on the project (better to spend money on plants).
Let’s start from the basics. What do tropical plants like? That’s easy – warmth, humidity and sun. You need to find ways to provide all of these. While warmth is more or less easy (crank up your thermostat or install extra heater), providing humidity and light is more complicated.

Here’s some of the tough stuff:

  • What do exotic plants need to feel like they are back home in the tropics?
  • How do you protect cold sensitive plants?
  • How do you grow, induce blooming and harvest exotics in containers?
  • Which tropical plants are hardy enough for nontropical zones?
  • What are those exotics, and how can I use them besides just being a proud owner?
  • How can I make my hobby match my budget?

Interested? These and many other questions can be answered in this edition. Join us on this exciting tour!

More about Tropical Treasures

Tropical Treasures is the first magazine about growing tropical plants in non-tropical climate. But this is not the only topic in this edition. The magazine is devoted to EXOTIC plants, unusual and hard-to-find, rare plants that you may not find information about anywhere else. "Pushing the limits of tropical gardening" - is also exploring more what it is beyond a traditional garden.

The Tropical Treasures is a newborn baby of website team that has created a world-known encyclopedia of thousands of tropical and subtropical species with information and photographs, and mail-order source of these plants. For several years of its existence, TopTropicals website rapidly became one of the most popular informational sources. Today we have about 10,000 unique visitors every day, and a great amount of them is living and enjoying exotic gardening way far from tropical areas. Our own botanical garden Tropical Boonies, located in South-West Florida, is not an exception. We have gained a valuable experience that we can share with other gardeners. Going beyond the boarders of our online project, we expand the opportunity of people all over the world to use such experience.

Today Tropical Treasures is published quarterly. Soon it will become a monthly edition.

Tropical Treasures team is growing too. Gardening writers are welcomed to join us and share their treasures with others.

Tropical Treasures Team


About Tropical Treasures Topics

  • Zone-Pushing
    Some tropicals may not be as tropical as they appear (or are believed) to be. Can you trick the Nature? Is it possible to push the limits of tropical gardening? The answers are all here.

  • Do-It-Yourself Projects
    Having a greenhouse? Growing indoors? Make your dreams come true: low budget construction projects, lighting and watering systems, etc.

  • Plant School and Clinic
    Plants are living creatures, they eat, drink, breath, multiply, get sick and die. They are not immortal, but in many cases something can be done to help them to survive a stress or overcome a disease. The question is - what needs to be done?

  • Plant Science
    Botany basics, taxonomy, latin names, plant physiology - complex and special knowledge in plain language.

  • Plant Introductions
    Stories about selected tropical species, genera or whole plant families - plants that seem to be well known or look new and rare - either way learn what's so special about them, and how to make them thrive in your garden or indoor collection.

  • Nature’s Food and Pharmacy
    You can either eat it, or smell it, or treat with it. It's good for you and yet you can grow it.

  • Legendary plants
    Some plants played important role in our history, enriched cultures, effected lifestyles. The search for them led to discoveries of new worlds, influenced the raise and fall of empires.

  • From Gordon – The Palmaholic
    Our Editor's column - everything about palms and how to grow them even outside the tropics.

  • Healing Garden
    Many people who ever dealt with plants say that gardening is a good therapy. This is a very true statement, and we can tell you more: gardening is HEALING.

  • Growing in containers and indoors.
    If you are not so lucky to own an acre of land somewhere in Tropics or Subtropics, where plants can thrive year around, it does not mean you should give up an idea of your own tropical paradise or exotic oasis. Small patio, sunroom or even a windowsill can turn into a blooming jungle, a mini farm of exotic fruit, herbs and medicinal plants. See how others made it and give it a try!

  • Growing outdoors
    You can either be used by your yard, or you can use your yard. If you are lucky to have a piece of land in warm climate, you better take the most advantage of it by growing beauty and life-sustaining presents of Nature that will give you something back for your efforts.

  • Wildlife Habitat
    The Beauty of Tropics is in every bit of it, and how can we imagine a tropical paradise without its habitants? Nature's masterpiece butterflies, amazing birds and bizarre insects, looking like aliens - tropical treasures  are numerous and diverse, and some of them may become your garden's visitors. All you have to do - just create a welcome home for them.

  • Growers of beauty
    No matter how large or a small a plant collection may be, each one has been created with love by people who appreciate beauty.  For this simple reason, it is apparent why every garden looks like a small piece of paradise.

  • Travel - Meet the Tropics
    Travel the World with us: see the best botanical gardens and tropical countries where these plants grow in habitat.

  • Exotic Kaleidoscope
    Fun little things about plants and fruit - jokes, recipes, trivia, photographs and more.

Using Top Tropicals images:
- For noncommercial use: feel free to use our pictures with our copyright provided. If need to re-size our photo, you must reprint our legible copyright © ON THE IMAGE. You may contact us for higher resolution originals.
- For commercial use: see Terms of Sale and Rates

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