1274 Brunfelsia pauciflora Compacta - Dwarf Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
This evergreen shrub is slow growing and has dwarf compact habit. Abundant fragrant flowers open rich purple and fade to mauve and white over a few days, all through spring and early summer.
3769 Dombeya seminole - Tropical Rose Hydrangea
A bounteous shrub which produces large clusters of showy pink flowers for several months.
3202 Russelia equisetiformis - Salmon Firecracker
This is a rare form with salmon-colored flowers. Low-growing shrub, distinctive for its long, drooping, usually leafless stems and the almost continuous clusters of small tubular flowers. Each plant produces many branches and is particularly effective when grown in a raised bed or rock garden so that the flower-laden stems hang down. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
4362 Dichorisandra thyrsiflora - Blue Ginger
Wonderful, tropical-looking plant which resembles ginger in growth and habit, but is actually a relative of the Wandering Jew plant. It has triking blue flowers.
2020 Dissotis rotundifolia - Spanish Shawl
Beautiful dense ever-blooming ground cover with pink flowers. Very fast growing and spreading. Can be grown in hanging baskets as well. Also great in hanging baskets.
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