TopTropicals Newsletter / September 6, 2010

Selebrate with planting a new tree

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1018 Artabotrys hexapetalus -
Ylang Ylang vine

Ylang Ylang vine - strong fragrance of flowers resembles lemon candy and melon.

1198 Strongylodon macrobotrys
- Jade vine

Blue/green Jade vine - very rare plant. Flowers have a beautiful seagreen/turquoise color that is almost beyond description. This color is the rarest in the world of flowers.

3722 Delonix elata
White Poinciana - very rare! Endemic to India, this is a 20-25 ft tall tree, with white fragrant flowers. This rare tree is a close relative of popular Delonix regia and has similar growth habit and characteristics, but flowers are white. In India it has medicinal use: leaves are used as febrifuge, antiperiodic, antirheumatic and stimulant.

3511 Cassia afrofistula
Kenyan shower. Spectacular flowering tree from East Africa with flowers arranged in vertical spikes. It is very rare in cultivation and available only in a few botanical gardens.

4253 Mitragyna speciosa - seeds
Kratom. Seeds harvested August-September 2010.
Kratom has been traditionally used for its psychoactive and medicinal properties in Thailand and Malaysia, although it is now illegal in these countries. In Southeast Asia the fresh leaves are commonly chewed, often continuously, by workers or manual laborers seeking a numbing, stimulating effect. This plant is hard to propagate.

Size of actual plants for sale

Colocasias are easy to grow plants that can ber used in any landscape; they can grow as pond/marginal plants, but are prtetty hardy and can tolerate dry conditions as well. All time favorites - Elephant Ears - create tropical atmosphere with real "Aloha" spirit. We are offering 7 exotic varieties, that can be purchased separately or as a "Half Price Deal" collection! Click on link to see pictures and descriptions of these varieties.

4184 Blue Hawaii
4185 Diamond Head
4186 Hawaiian Eye
4187 Hilo Bay
4188 Pineapple Princess
4172 Mojito
4099 Black Runner

4255 Colocasia Exotic Collection - 7 plants

3270 Thevetia nereifolia - Lucky nut
Still tree, Yellow oleander, Lucky nut. Tree from tropical America with shiny dark green leaves, white sap, and yellow to peach, funnel shaped flowers. Fruit somewhat angular, smooth, with two large, oily seeds. The nuts growing on the tree planed in your yard supposedly bring good luck.

2036 Tipuana tipu - Yellow Jacaranda
Yellow jacaranda, Rosewood, Tipu tree, Pride of Bolivia - hardy, evergreen fast growing tree with bright yellow-orange flowers. Best choice for those who need a large tree in no time. Tolerates some freeze, one of the hardiest of all tropical trees.

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please visit this page

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Use voucher 413310170488 in your shopping cart and click "recalculate"


1175 Plumeria rubra Pink
Frangipani - pink flower. One of the most popular fragrant plants. Large blooming size plants.

3272 Bombax ceiba - Red Kapok tree
Red Kapok tree. It is a lowland tree with spectacular red flowers; found in Northern Australia in coastal habitats.

1222 Mansoa alliacea - Garlic Vine
Garlic Vine. Deep lavender flowers with white throat fading to a paler lavender. Blooms heavily in the Spring and Fall. Will have some flowers on and off throughout the year. It is one of the most rewarding flowering vines that you can grow, unless that you are a vampire. Interestingly enough it smells like garlic. However, it doesn't smell if the plant is left alone, only when the leaves are crushed.

3047 Dichrostachys cinerea - Princess Earrings, Sickle bush
West African Sickle bush, Aroma, Kalahari Christmas tree, Chinese lantern tree, Marabou-thorn, Princess's Earrings. Interesting powderpuff-like pink flowers make this plant unforgettable. Good plant for bonsai.

2994 Pseudobombax ellipticum
Shaving Brush Tree. One of the strangest looking flowering trees, this fast-growing tree bears spectacular showy staminate flowers in the spring. It usually has no leaves at that time, which serves to show off the large and striking blooms.

rare plants for home and garden
47770 Bermont Rd, Punta Gorda, FL 33982
Phone 941-575-6987, Fax 954-252-4442

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