TopTropicals Newsletter / March 29, 2010
Large size Mangoes... Peach harvest in 1 year... Low-chill Pears and more...
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Low-chill Pears
4129 Tropical Pear Collection
A pair of low chill pears - the perfect couple Flordahome and Pineapple - for best results of cross-pollination and heavy production.
Pineapple Pear:
Large pyriform fruit with yellow skin. Flesh is crisp with flavor reminiscent of pineapple. Good fruit to eat fresh. Fruit repins in August. Very productive and has low chilling requirements - 100-200 chill-hours.
Flordahome Pear:
released by the University of Florida. Large fruit with green thin skin. Flesh is white, juicy and melting. Flavor is sweet. Ripens in mid July to early August. Stores well. Good fruit to eat fresh. Excellent for canning, holds its snow white color for long time. Very productive and has very low chilling requirements - 100-150 chill-hours.
"7 gal pot" Mango trees
now awailable for shipping
We receive numerous requests for larger size mango trees. Whileour standard size mangoes in 3 gal will take another year to mature, these 7 gal size trees have thicker trunk and more branches. See above a picture showing relative size of plants grown in 3 gal and 7 gal (click on image to enlarge).
The most popular container culture varieties:
4118 Carrie - 7 gal pot
4117 Nam Doc Mai - 7 gal pot
Tropical Raspberry :
4131 Rubus sp - Mysore
Mysore Tropical Raspberry grows very well in hot humid Florida climate. It's large scrambling shrub up to 10 ft high with flexible stems. The fruit is red when unripe and purple black when ripe, juicy and sweet. The clusters contain as many as couple dozen fruits. Cold hardy to mid 20F. Good drainage is essential for good grows. This plant tends to bloom and fruit throughout the year.
2045 Morus hybrid Tise
Mulberry variety Tise. A beautiful ornamental bearing sweet, juicy fruit. 1" long fruit.
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Phone 1-866-897-7957, Fax 954-252-4442
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